Welcome to the Department of Clinical Pharmacy!
These are indeed exciting times for clinically trained pharmacists. Pharmacy practice laws across the country have given pharmacists more expanded practice roles and accountability for direct patient care. Pharmacist’s opportunities are broadening, as many now work in rewarding careers in both traditional and non-traditional settings. The majority of the faculty in the Clinical Pharmacy Department serve as Clinical Specialist Pharmacists in area hospitals, clinics, and community pharmacy practice setting. These mentors provide high quality practice experiences for teaching our students and residents. Additionally, members of the clinical department often provide medication-related continuing education to health care practitioners at state and national conferences. Our partnership with WVU Medicine’s Hospitals and Clinics is obviously well established, and we have cultivated great relationships with other institutions throughout the state, the nation, and at the global level.
Our clinical faculty are well respected in their areas of expertise. Their contributions to our teaching, service, and research missions are quite noteworthy. We have a very experienced clinical faculty, who understand the needs of patients in our region. Pharmacists are the most accessible health care providers in the community. It is our goal to train students to serve as competent health care providers throughout our state and beyond.
We invite you to learn more about our department and the School of Pharmacy by exploring this website. I also invite high school and undergraduate college advisors to personally contact me if they wish to have a member of the Clinical Faculty attend a career day or Pre-health club meeting.
Best regards,
Douglas Slain, Pharm.D., BCPS, FCCP, FASHP
Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy
Infectious Diseases Clinical Specialist