Last week, The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy's (AACP) Education Awards Committee announced the winner of the Award of Excellence in Experiential Education Award! This prestigious award is given annually to an individual, school/college of pharmacy or group of individuals who have made recent outstanding contributions to or achievements in pharmacy experiential education. Dr. Jay Martello was among a group of six people who won the award for 2019. Congratulation, Jay!

He and the other winning experiential educators were tasked by AACP to develop a definition of intentional interprofessional experiential education (IIEE) in pharmacy curricula. The committee felt that this work was cutting-edge and impactful, yet relevant and practical. The outcomes were published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018; 82(3) Article 6502.

Jay will be recognized at the AACP Annual Meeting in Chicago.