Sponsored Activities – Grants, Contracts and Co-operative Agreements  

Khalid Kamal, MPharm., PhD

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: 
September 2022-June 2023
EMD Serono
To Evaluate the Economic Burden of Disease and the Real-World Use of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma using SEER-Medicare data
Industry-funded, $120,000

Role: Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator: Dr. Kazuhiko Kido, WVU Clinical Faculty)
Project Period: 
April 2022 - March 2023
WVU Research and Scholarship Advancement
Evaluating a pharmacist-provider collaborative iron deficiency treatment clinic in advanced heart failure service
Internally Funded, $14,530

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period:  December 2021 – December 2022
Agency:  Cerevel Therapeutics
Title:  A Systematic Literature Review of the Value Evidence for Recently Approved Oral Medications for Schizophrenia
Type:  Industry-funded, $70,551

Abdullah Al-Mamun, PhD

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period:  January 2024-December 2025
Agency: Medication Optimization Improving Human Health grant from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
Title: OPTOCS-AI: Optimizing Pharmacy Transition of Care Services Using Artificial Intelligence
Type: Extramural funding from ACCP $100,000

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period:  September 2022-September 2023
Agency: American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
Title: Development of Artificial Intelligence Methods to Evaluate Antibiotic-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in the Critically Ill
Type: Research and Scholarship Advancement WVU $17,995

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period:  May 2022-April 2023
Agency: Network of National Library of Medicine Region 1, NIH
Title: A Cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence Tool to Improve Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in West Virginia
Type: Extramural funding from NIH $25,000

Sabina Nduaguba, PhD

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: November 2022- October 2023
Agency: National Cancer Institute (NCI) Geographic Management of Cancer Health Disparities Program (GMaP) - P30 CA177558-10S1
Title: Multilevel Factors Associated with Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Delays for Lung Cancer - A Systematic Review
Type: $10,000

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: July 2022 - June 2023
Agency: West Virginia University
Title: Strategic Training of Pharmacists to Provide Tobacco Cessation Treatment
Type: Community Engagement Grant, $9,900

Role: Co-Investigator
Project Period: July 2022 - June 2023
Agency: West Virginia University
Title: Pharmacist training pilot project to improve pharmacist awareness of the role of genes in patients' response to treatment 
Type: Community Engagement Grant, $3,550

Angela Wowczuk, PharmD., BCPS

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: July 2022 - June 2023
Agency: WV DHHR-Bureau for Medical Services
Title: Rational Drug Therapy Program
Type: Contract, $2,532,836

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: July 2022 - June 2023
Agency: WV Public Insurance Agency
Title: PEIA Pharmacy Call Center
Type: Contract, $472.545

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: October 2021 - September 2022
Agency: Gainwell Technologies
Title: Gainwell Pharmacy Provider Call Center
Type: Contract, $770,281

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: July 2022 - June 2023
Agency: WV Public Insurance Agency
Title: Safe and Effective Management of Pain Program
Type: Contract, $238,862

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: September 2022 - August 2023
Agency: WV DHHR-BPH-Office of Maternal, Child, & Family Health
Title: Safe and Effective Management of Pain Program
Type: Grant, $546,241

Role: Principal Investigator
Project Period: July 2022 - June 2023
Agency: WV DHHR-BPH-Office of Maternal, Child, & Family Health
Title: Title V-WV Attention Deficit Disorder Guidelines Project 
Type: Grant, $1,327,011