Three WVU School of Pharmacy students are finalists in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.

They are Chibuzo Iloabuchi, "Limiting Low Value Healthcare," 
Advisors: Dr. Nilanjana Dwibedi & Dr. Usha Sambamoorthi,
Health Services and Outcomes Research; Jayeshkumar Patel, "NSAIDs and Osteoarthritis: History Does Matter,"  Advisor: Dr. Usha Sambamoorthi,
Health Services and Outcomes Research; and Pushkar Saralkar, "A 'NEET' Way to Treat Stroke," Advisor: Dr. Werner J. Geldenhuys, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences. 

The 3MT competition challenges doctoral students to present their research topic, and its significance, in just three minutes using one slide. The event develops academic, presentation and research communication skills and attempts to foster the student’s ability to communicate their research to a diverse audience.

Multiple prizes are awarded to winners. The first-place winner is awarded $1,000; second place, $750; and third place, $500. The People’s Choice Award winner will receive $250 and all finalists receive $100.

A full list of finalists and their thesis topics can be found on the WVU Graduate Education and Life website.