Betsy Elswick and Krista Capehart are our Persons of the Week! Selections are based on birthday month and are simply a way for us to get to know one another in a fun way. Betsy and Krista are birthday twins (born on Jan. 21). So, happy belated birthday to them! Below is a short Q and A.

Christa: What is your favorite place to dine in Charleston/Morgantown, and what makes it special?

Betsy: I love to eat, so I’m not sure I can pick just one place. For a casual dinner with family, I love Black Bear Burritos for the great food, environment, queso/guac and local music they provide in the evenings and on the weekends. For a fun evening out with friends or with guests, I love Tin 202, the Wine Bar or The Apothecary.

Krista: I agree with Betsy on Black Bear for Morgantown. For Charleston, I would have to say The Block. Wonderful wine, cheese, steak and unusual food for eating and enjoying with family and friends!

C: What job would you absolutely be horrible at and why?

B: Flight attendant. I’m a horrible flyer and not always the most graceful on my feet. There would be beverages spilled everywhere.

K: I would be a horrible park ranger--Curt says to add park ranger who tests outdoor gear. The outdoors and I seem to clash. I’m just not a camper or graceful on my feet. Mix in the uneven ground and allergens, and it’s a combo for disaster.

C: What movie title best describes your life?

B: I’d like to hope that I live my life and work to inspire my students with the premise from the movie “Pay it Forward.”

K: While I love Betsy’s answer, and definitely agree with her, I think mine is a little crazier. I would choose "Legally Blonde." I tend to get mixed up in all of the pharmacy law things and many times those around me are convinced that I’m a ditzy blonde (there may be a bit of truth to that), but I still know my stuff 😉.