Class of 2021 (Current P4s) is on pace for graduation as originally planned, with numerous dynamic pivots in the recent past and continuing in the current time. Approximately 75% of all rotation hours for the overall class are completed. However, similar to weight loss, the final 25% (e.g., 5 pounds) continues to be "tricky." 

The Experiential Learning (OEL) team is open to having P4 student pharmacists (along with P1, P2, and P3 student pharmacists, pending scheduling/class mitigation) fully participate in the COVID vaccination effort throughout our state. We have collaborated with the "COVID Conquerors" (folks in our Clinical Department providing shots and/or information) to enable one-time, possibly full-time, full rotation block vaccination efforts (ambulatory care or elective) in the future.

Current P1s and P2s are being provided multiple options for completing IPPE Community and Health System rotations that are chronologically dynamic compared to years past (e.g., typical May, longitudinal, etc.). The OEL wishes to thank the clinical faculty who have stepped up to precept additional student pharmacists in this capacity in addition to typical APPE precepting efforts. 

APPE scheduling for the current P3 Class of 2022 has officially begun with a hopeful final schedule distribution on the Ides of March. The overlap of re-re-rescheduling the Class of 2021 while scheduling the Class of 2022 is enough to leave our entire team in one of the "Back to the Future" movies. Please realize when communicating that any of us may not recall what year it is, let alone the month or day ðŸ™‚. 

Our entire team is very humbled by receiving the WVU Value Coins from our SoP and Dean Petros. Every single SoP team member has worked harder this past year, perhaps demanding an "Uncle Scrooge swimming through his vault of gold coins" approach for our entire SoP team, thus propelling our team to be even more appreciative for such recognition.