From Tom Menighan (Posted Jan 24th on APhA's CEO Blog): This week we are featuring a guest blog from RADM Ty Bingham, chief pharmacy officer at the U.S. Public Health Service — with whom we are closely aligned. I want to thank RADM Bingham for sharing the latest on a new U.S. Surgeon General report and the ways pharmacists can take an active role in tackling this public health issue. As pharmacists get energized around this issue, know that APhA is here to support these efforts. APhA’s tobacco cessation resources are curated at, and just last week APhA advocated for CMS to remove barriers enabling patient access to pharmacists’ smoking cessation services. We have even more resources to be released in the coming months, including profiles of sustainable pharmacist-provided cessation services, new education programs, and a framework for cessation service delivery. Read the full post by clicking here.