University Relations-Health Sciences is working with the HSC ITS web team to develop a revamped digital home for internal content via the HSC Hub.

The goal is to make the management of content directed to internal audiences (current faculty, staff and students) easier to access as the university incorporates more remote and hybrid workers into the workforce. Internally focused content, such as forms, policies and procedures, that is not pertinent for external audiences will be relocated to the HSC Hub.

The HSC Hub replaces what you may remember as the HSC Intranet, but HSC Hub is accessible remotely without a login. Any content that needs to be password protected can be housed in SOLE, SharePoint or another university-approved online tool or system you may currently be utilizing and linked to via your HSC Hub site.

In the coming weeks, Web Communications Specialist Bill Frye will reach out to offices affected by this update to begin the process and help make the transition as seamless as possible.