As part of an HSC initiative focused on “COVID-19 Lessons Learned,” one area of interest is better understanding your work environment experiences during this past year.

This survey is designed by the Office of Research and Graduate Education to gather data around what your workplace design has been (on site, remote or hybrid), the advantages and challenges you encountered in your unique situation, and thoughts around how we can translate your experience to new ways of thinking about a more flexible work environment at the HSC.

It is important to note that the information gathered is not to establish new policies. Rather, we will summarize the information to share with unit leaders/supervisors and all team members to prompt discussion of creative approaches that can increase personal flexibility while maintaining key functions and overall productivity.

All decisions about changes to the pre-COVID work design/schedule will be at the discretion of the supervisor in collaboration with their group, as every team is unique. Supervisors can then align the desired outcome with approved University policies and processes that are in place at the time. Responses will be anonymous and the trends identified will be used to organize focus groups to which everyone will be invited and can self-select for participation based on interest.

Please note that you may pause or stop the survey at any time. When you re-open the survey link using the same device, you will be taken to the last question you completed. Please also note that this survey is complementary but separate from surveys that faculty and staff may be receiving from WVU's Talent and Culture and WVUM's Human Resources, but the results will be shared with both in an effort to best plan for HSC needs. 

We look forward to you sharing your experiences and your perspective on the exciting possibilities moving forward. Please submit your responses by the end of the day on Monday April 26th, 2021.

Take the survey now.