March's person of the month is Dr. Marina Galves Peralta. 

Question: What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?

Answer: Ten years from now, I will be celebrating that I am 53 years alive, and I will have a wonderful teenager deciding what career path to take. Perhaps, I might do something on my bucket list like volunteer as a pharmacist in an underdeveloped country. I have been engaged on the back line, even when I was in Spain, collecting non-expired medications to be sent to a mission in Argentina. However, being on the front line is one of the things that I am looking forward to in the next 10 years, together with enjoying this amazing faculty, students and family.

Question: What do you enjoy the most about your career as a pharmacy professor?

Answer: I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be part of such an amazing team at the department, School and HSC levels and to witness student growth. I enjoy being present for their aha moments--those times when finally, a complicated concept makes sense to them. On a personal level, I enjoy seeking answers in the pharmaceutical field.