Student name: Paul Cornelius, Doctor of Pharmacy, Class of 2019

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Why did you want to earn a PharmD?

Pursuing a PharmD, and the opportunities that existed thereafter, allowed me to create and continue my marriage of business and science (Cornelius has a BS in Biochemistry and a Master of Business Administration with dual specialization in management and entrepreneurial studies).

Why did you choose WVU?

The West Virginia University School of Pharmacy is a highly touted pharmacy school with regard to national ranking and early decision. In fact, when I applied, it was the highest ranked early decision school available.

What are you most proud of during your time at the WVU School of Pharmacy?

I am most proud of being elected President of the Class of 2019 by my peers. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience that has allowed for a tremendous amount of growth both individually and as a team.

Where will your PharmD take you after commencement?

I will be working for Janssen, a pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson, as an Oncology Marketing Fellow through Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowships. I’m looking forward to applying the immense clinical knowledge I have gained through the West Virginia University School of Pharmacy, and my business acumen from Seton Hill University to create a career in an industry that is rewarding both personally and globally for our patients, fellow employees and communities in which we live and work.

What would you tell someone considering the WVU School of Pharmacy?

Work, work, work as much as possible to get experiences extrinsically from WVU School of Pharmacy. My time working at a local pharmacy has been immensely rewarding and has given me tidbits of knowledge and know-how I cannot learn from a book or classroom. Most importantly, it has shown me that a team can be a family, and what foundations are essential to be utilized as a manager to create an environment of trust, team and love.