MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Vince Anido, Ph.D., a graduate of the West Virginia University School of Pharmacy, wants to make a difference in the lives of student pharmacists. Dr. Anido and his family recently established the Anido Family Pharmacy Scholarship in the amount of $50,000. The scholarship will provide assistance to deserving students currently enrolled in the WVU School of Pharmacy.
Anido graduated with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy in 1975 and a master’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences with a focus on pharmacy administration in 1978. He quickly rose through the ranks at his first job at Marion Laboratories —formerly Marion Merrell Dow, now Sanofi-Aventis — because of his knowledge of science and business. He is now a successful entrepreneur, creating and selling multiple pharmaceutical industry-based companies.
Over the years, Anido has remained a dedicated supporter of the WVU School of Pharmacy. In 2010, he participated in the inaugural summit of the Health Sciences Center’s Research Advisory Council, established to bring entrepreneurs to the Health Sciences Center to learn more about current research initiatives. He also established the WVU School of Pharmacy-ISTA Fellowship in Medical Communications, supported student professional travel, met with groups of students to discuss career pathways and currently serves as a member of the School’s Comprehensive Capital Campaign Committee.
“My family has strong ties to WVU and the WVU School of Pharmacy, so we always try to do something for the school and university. We want to give back and creating a scholarship fits the needs of the school and students, and we enjoy being able to help,” he said.
“I want my gift to make an impact and be meaningful to students. My children, who are in their late 20’s and early 30’s, would tell me about their classmates who were struggling with debt during school and after graduation. My wife, Patty, and I were fortunate that we were able to make sure our children didn’t have those types of worries when they graduated and were starting their lives, so we want to do the same with student pharmacists.”
“Vince has been extremely supportive of the School throughout my tenure as dean,” Patricia Chase, Ph.D., the Gates Wigner Dean of the WVU School of Pharmacy, said. “The cost of an education and student debt continues to rise, so scholarships like the Anido Family Pharmacy Scholarship play an even greater role in their ability to pursue their career goals of becoming a pharmacist. The impact that this scholarship will have on a future pharmacist’s life is immeasurable.”
The first scholarship recipient will be selected during the annual WVU School of Pharmacy Scholarship and Awards Convocation held in April 2013.
For more information about the WVU School of Pharmacy, visit
The contribution was made in conjunction with “A State of Minds: The Campaign for West Virginia’s University.” The $750 million comprehensive campaign being conducted by the WVU Foundation on behalf of the University runs through December 2015.
For more information about the State of Minds Comprehensive Campaign, visit

Photo identifications:
The Anido family: Angie Nicholls, daughter; Brian Nicholls, son-in-law; Nicole Anido, daughter-in-law; Chloe Anido, granddaughter; Cassie Butts, daughter; Ben Butts, son-in-law; Patty Anido, wife; Vince Anido, son; Aidan Anido, grandson; and Vince Anido, Ph.D.